Friday, February 9, 2007

The best day EVER!

Today was a big day. I can hardly stay awake at the computer to write about it! It was like the best day of my life so far. (17 weeks old tomorrow!)

Steve came home today. I was so excited. Mommy videoed me when I first saw him. She doesn't know how to help me load a video into my blog, but if you click on the link for our videos, you can see the movie there. Steve looked a lot furrier than he did when I last saw him. I don't think I have gotten any furrier, but Steve looks so much furrier. He's really starting to look like a grown up husky! Here we are, dynamic duo, back in action!
This afternoon, it was Furminator time. Mommy furminated Steve, Wilbur and me. This is kind of embarrassing to admit, but Wilbur had more fur in his pile that Steve and I had in our piles. I feel like we let down our husky heritage. Mom says that it's just because we are still puppies and haven't started shedding too much. It's still really embarrassing to be upstaged by a cat in the shedding department.

Next I had to go to the vet again. This time it was just a quick visit. The vet needed to make sure my stitches looked good. She said I was doing just great. I also got my last shot for a while. It was for rabies. Now, I don't know what rabies are, but I do know that I had to get that shot so I could get my pet license.

After the vet, Mom and I went back to the house and picked up Steve and Dad. You will never guess where we went! Fort Woof!! Since we finally got our pet licenses, we could go to the dog park. It was so great. At first, I was really scared because there were a lot of big dogs there, but after just a few minutes, I was chasing them around and playing ball with them. It was so great. Mom and Dad let us stay for almost an hour and a half, even though Mom was really cold. Mom couldn't get very good pictures of us at Fort Woof because we didn't stop running, but here's one.
Well, that's all I can stay awake to report. Thank you to all of the huskies who wrote back to help my mom. She and Dad feel much better about letting us be together all the time. They just worry a lot about doing the right things to help us grow up to be good dogs. We're their kids, you know!!


The Army of Four said...

YEA! Steve's home! Welcome back! Loved the video of you two!
I wish we had Ft. Woof here, but Dave said that's in Texas. Near Dallas. Too bad. It looks like tons of fun!
Play bows,

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Well, Zim, we are pretty lucky. Fort Woof is less than 5 miles from our house! So I bet we'll get to go there all the time. I already heard Mom and Dad talking about going again today!!!


Khady Lynn said...

Wow, a doggie fort! How fun!

I'm sure glad Steve is home. You two belong together, so any time you have questions, be sure to ask the pro's here in blogger world!


Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Double Trouble is Back in Business!

Glad your a dynamic duo again :-)

Luv Chuck

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!
You are the Featured Husky Bloggers' Member of February 2007!
Go to my blog to get your featured member seal!
Congratulations & Licks :P

(Husky Bloggers Ring manager)

The Army of Four said...

Hey! Looks like you guys are the Husky Bloggers of the Month! Cool! Congrats, puppers!
Tail wags,

Deanna said...

We got a Furminator this weekend, but have not really been subjected to it. You will grow into it!