Steve and I had to take a bath yesterday. Now you all know how much I hate baths. I still don't like them, but we have been going to a new place for our last two baths. It's a new shop near us called Muddy Buddy Dog Wash. Even though baths are still pretty horrible (Mom, are you reading this?), the baths at Muddy Buddy are not nearly as bad as a bath in the shower or a bath outside with the hose.
Muddy Buddy has hitching posts so you can be leashed up while you wait your turn. Here's Steve waiting while I got my bath.

Here I am with Mom while Mom was drying me off. I look pretty happy, don't you think? Mom looks pretty horrible, but I had shaken all over her, so she was wet.

Here's Dad drying me with the blower. It's so relaxing that I almost fall asleep!

Then it was Steve's turn. I told him that he looked like a drowned rat and then he stuck his tongue out at me.

When Steve got to the blower part of his bath, he exploded! Mom had brushed on him on Sunday and then again yesterday before we left the house. She brushed over one grocery bag of fur off of him and she thought he was good to be bathed. Boy was she wrong! There was fur everywhere! Mom and Dad felt really bad for the mess of fur Steve created.

It took so long to dry Steve that I got tired of waiting.

So that's how Muddy Buddy works. Check out their
photo page and see if you recognize anypup. I know we have some readers in the Seattle area, so if you are looking for a good place to take a bath where your parents don't have to clean up the mess, check out Muddy Buddy!