Wednesday, December 6, 2006

I'm the boss of these dogs

I have learned how to show the puppies who's the boss. I have started sleeping on all of their stuff. No one does sleeping better than me, so I am doing really well. I sleep on their crate and on their bed. Sometimes when I don't feel like sleeping, I just stand outside the door of their crate so they can see that I don't have to be locked up, so that must mean that Mom loves me more. It's all about mind control with these beasts. By sleeping on top of their crate, I am showing them that I have on top of them in the Pet Hierarchy of the house. It's great.



Anonymous said...

I'm Raisa Husky, the Husky Bloggers Ring manager!
Thanks for joining us and welcome to the pack!
Kind licks :P

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Steve and Kat,

Welcome to - great to have you here, and I am sure you will make lots of friends :-)


Althea said...

Hey Pups and Wilbur,

Just wanted to say hello. I just checked out your blog, very cool. You guys are way cute. Come by and check out mine sometime: Althea's Blog. I have one doggie brother (we're not direct related as you can see from our pictures) and two feline siblings (Wilbur can read about them here). I'm glad to see that there are other huskies out there that like cats. Just be careful cause cats have sharp claws, take it from me.

So welcome to the Husky Bloggers Ring. Be sure to check out all the other husky and other dogs blogs.
