Aunt Kari and Uncle Joe sent us these balls for our birthday. Here's what they looked like in October. Each ball said "Happy Birthday" on them with paw prints. They were very cute.
Here's what one ball looked like the other day when Mom found it.

It's very obvious that I did not do that. It's one of the blue balls, so it's must have been Steve since blue is for boys and my balls are pink. Mom threw the ball in the trash so now Steve only has two. I still have three and I don't think I will let him have any of mine since we can see what he does with them!
Even though he is a cutie, since he is a boy, I know that Steve did it. Girls are perfect and never destroy anything.
Rule #1 -Keep all toys away from the boys.
Princess Eva
Of course you didn't do it! Boys are always the ones who chew and destroy! We girls have to maintain our girliness!!!
Mya Boo Boo
Princess Eva is sooooo furry smart -
After all, we've all seen MY toy khollekhtion!
Not to mention, Princess Eva has Handsome Brice 'The Boy' for PROOF!
Great work Kat!
Boys will be boys.
Steve we know Kat did it and is just trying to ruin your toys. Girls are dumb sometimes
Our ultimate destroyer of, well, everything is Kiska, the prim princess of destruction. So not sure we are buying the boy thing.
You have it figured out - Us Boys just can't help ourselves! Our Dear Samantha had all of these really cool toys and now we have destroyed them all! We can't help it!
Thor and Marco polo
Oh yeah, Kat, blame it on Steve. Why don't woo blame it on the squirrels? It could have been squirrels, ya know!
"Boys destroy toys", well I never heard such a thing!
I feel for you, Steve.
In my house, poo-face Salvador doesn't even touch the toys so I'm not sure about that argument. But I don't destroy my mouses either. Maybe it's a Steve thing.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Tennis balls scare me. I shredded one once and Mom made me barf to get it back out and then told me the vet said to do it. She's such a party pooper.
Very mysterious. . .Kat. Certainly Steve was simply savoring the many different flavors of ball. I, myself love the flavors of ball, hand, carpet, dirt, and rocks. MMMMmm rocks :-) It's kind of like a fine wine from what I hear.
Looks like you are breaking them in really well!
Puppy slurps, Canyon
that is one dead ball Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Isn't that what we are supposed to do with those balls?
Woo, Thunder
Umm... yeah, what Princess Eva said! Girls never destroy anything. :)
Jaws of Steel
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