Final Woolympics Results
The results for the last Woolympics event, leash walking, have been tabulated and the winner is Kat! Not too much of a surprise there, but what did surprise us was that Wilbur took home the silver. Pretty good for a feline.

In the secondary event, Kat won for the loudest non-walker. If you think she was bad in that video, you'll have to listen for her in a video Mom made this weekend. We'll get that posted soon.
So the final results from the Woolympics are as follows. It's pretty amazing how we all won the same number of medals!

We also mentioned that our crate has undergone an Extreme Crate Makeover. It's a pretty remarkable change. Let's take a look at the crate before the makeover.
It was pretty bad. Some pups (no idea which ones) had chewed the bottom of the cover to shreds back in their younger days.
And here's the crate now.
Huge difference! The cover now covers all four sides and goes all the way to the floor. It can be tied up on any side. There are dowel rods (removable for washing) at the bottom of each side panel so they stay weighted down and hanging properly and the top has a pocket where Dad slid in some foam core to make the top solid so Wilbur can sleep up there. Mom made the cover, so it's customized just for us. It works out pretty well, nice and cozy.
Congratulations on all of your medal winning performances!
Your mum is very clever to make that crate cover. My mum can't even sew on a button.
I would SOOOOOO file a protest on the Silver medal fur the evil khreature on the leash -
I'm just sayin'
Khongrats on the final khount!
Nice khrate - if woo are into such things - I would like to see LB in it with a padlokhk on the opening -
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Very nicely done crate! All dressed up, smart looking, nice sewing.
w00fs, congrats on the medals...and what a cool cover fur the kennel...heehee mama and daddy tried to fix a leaky toliet yesterday, sumthing didnt work, now tomorrow they gots to work on it sum more..
b safe,
Kongrats on all the medals and the new krate makeover!
who's crate is it? steves or kats?
or both? when do you use it? curious... sigh. like i should ask. they're sibes after all... but seriously, curious...
Spectacular performances by all during the Woolympics. We really enjoyed the event! Wow - nice crate makeover! We need to find us a clever biped like your mom to do some refurbishing around here too.
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
The Woolympics 2010 was so much fun - congrats to all on their wins. And now for that crate cover - it is beautiful. Your mom did a fantastic job, we are quite impressed. Maybe we need to have Mom get us that kind of crate so we can get a cover just like it. But no kitties here, so maybe we could take turns resting on top, like Steve did.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We love your new crate! We may have to give ours an upgrade! hehe
Woo Woooo
Shiloh, Shelby and their Mom
Way to go Kat. It's important to win the last event(and such an important one too) because it sets a precident for the summer events. Love the crate.....did I just say that!!!!
Oz and Zo
Congrats on the medals, you guys! Great job by everyone!
And WOW!!! Your mom deserves a gold medal for that crate cover! It looks so professional! Zim would love to sleep up on top like Wilbur - ha roo roo roo! No wonder he's an honorary kitty-cat!
Tail wags,
Hey Woos,
Congratulations on the stellar performance; nice to see that y'all each won 4 medals.
The renovated digs looks pretty good. Alex sleeps on top of Radar's crate at night. That's the only crate in the house. The Newfs have crates in the kennel garage for sleeping and there are 3 other crates for feeding J.E.B., Abby and Shelby Belle. Our mom isn't crafty enough to make a curtain wall for Radar's crate. You're lucky the your mom is so talented.
Looks fabulous! Much more comfy for Steve to get on top of and hang out now!!
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