Bedroom Steve
Since Dad is gone, I'm the man of the house. (No matter what Wilbur says.) I am really taking my new job seriously. I don't want Dad's side of the bed to be unused, so I have been keeping it warm.
Here I am curling up against the pillows so they don't miss Dad.

Another time I decided to sleep on my back, just like Dad.

Finally I decided to sleep like a person, with my head on the pillow and my front leg over my mom's "cuddle pillow".

Mom says I'm doing a good job keeping her warm at night, so I hope Dad is proud of me.
PS. Dad got a job offer today, so he will be moving up here soon!! We don't know for sure when, but probably after Christmas. He'll be here for Christmas too, so we don't have much more time without him!
Good news about your dad! Will you be able to sleep on the bed when he's there, too?
Ha-rooo! Yay for the good news!
You're doing a good job keeping daddy's pillows company. Hope you didn't drool on them haha.
I sleep on my dad's side of the bed also now that he's gone. We are glad your dad will be up with you soon. But will you get kicked off the bed?
Yay for Dad's new job! Our Dad is going away for a few days after the holidays and Meeka has already claimed his side of the bed. Dad's worried Meeka won't give it back when he comes back home.
You are doing an awesome job for those pillows...and your Mom, too!
I am so happy to hear that your Dad will be moving up so soon! I'll bet your Mom is SUPER happy, too!
Wooo Steve.. that is awesome news about your Dad!!! I think you are doing an excellent job at keeping his side of the bed warm (and mom too). Nice work!
Good job keeping the bed from knowing that Dad is not there. How lucky of Dad to get a job so soon. Christmas is only about 2 weeks away. I hope he doesn't expect you to give up your part of the bed when he gets here.
Hehehe....You look pretty comfortable!!
I bet your daddy gonna be so happy your keeping his side of the bed so warm. You're doing a great job.
Thanks for the card!!!!!
Frenchie SNorts
Good job keeping the pillows company. Glad to hear about your Dad, we were wondering when he'd get to move. He wants to get out of here for sure I bet...the weather STINKS!
Great news about your Dad. It's always better when the pack is together.
Tasha and Eva
Wow Steve, you look just like Samuel who does the same thing!
You are doing a great job, keep it up!!
Glad your dad will be moving there soon!
Howroo! Grrrreat news on Dad coming home! Steve, you look like you're doing an excellent job keeping his spot warm for him, keep up the good work.
Bama & the RHP
awwww, that's so nice of you to keep your mom warm at night and protect your dad's sleeping spot. and good news and your dad will be with you again soon!
we got your card the other day. thanks kiddos. you look so happy in the snow.
Oh, that's great news about your Dad! Nice job on filling in for him, I know your Mom is happy to have you.
That is great news about yur dad! You are doing a splendid job watching out fur his side of the bed.
-Cosmos & Juneau-
Yay! for your Dad. I take on the role of man of the house when our dad is on business trips. It's really hard work!!
Kisses, Sky
That is wonderful news! Steve, you do a great job. Do you have to wear a raincoat in all that rain?
It has been really pretty here but I guess you dont' wanna know about Texas anymore.
Great news about your dad, Steve. In the meantime, WOO, don't over-do it! You look like you're working way too hard.
HAHA. Hey guys. We sure did miss you. We moved too. Check out out blog for details. Glad to hear you are settled in nicely. We are still working on that. ;-)
We loved your recent posts they made us laugh.
Miss yous and talk to you soon!
Husky hugs and kisses,
Quincy & Tristin
You're doing a great job at keeping your dad's bed warm and cozy! I like to keep my human's beds warm when they're out, too. He he.
Yeah dad!
Greeting Huskies & Kitty!
I, too, have the gigantic responsibility to keep my daddy's side of the bed warm when he is away on biz-net trips...& I do a fantastic fantastic, that I almost take over my mom/secretary's side of the bed as well...
You are all very cute! & we all have so much in common! I've moved 2x across the country & the car rides were not all that much fun...but luckily I didn't have to wear a harness....
Love & Licks,
That looks so comfy! I love beds too.
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