Woolympics Event #4
Today is the final night of the Winter Olympics and that means it's time for the final event of the SKW Woolympics. Before we get to the final matchup, it's time for the medal ceremony for the last event, Fast Eating. This event wasn't even close! Steve ran away with it to win his first gold medal of these Woolympic games. Kat won the silver and Wilbur won the bronze.And now for the medal count.
Our final event of the games is the leash walking event. Now you might think that it's totally unfair for Wilbur to complete in proper leash walking, but until recently, Steve and Kat were also incapable of properly walking on a leash. So without further ado, the leash walking event!
Editor's comments: This video is longer because we wanted to leave in the post-event wrestling matches and also doesn't feature the Woolympics theme music so that we could also have a secondary event with Steve and Kat of who made the most noise while the other was competing.
Voting will be open until Wednesday!
My mum says she can't believe how much Steve and Kat have improved their leash walking! Very impressive!
I am totally impressed with Wilbur's efforts, I'd be exactly the same if someone tried that on me.
Oh how I wish so furry furry much I khould have Litter Breath be part of my Walkin' Wednesday!
I'd teach him to respekht the leash!
PeeEssWoo: So, how many neighbours were watching this filming?
Highly impressive!! Kat is definitely the winner in this one! Even her screaming was better than Steve's. Wilbur.....well, what more can you expect from a CAT!
Holly and Khady
Good job! I like how you prance when you walk--very cool!
Wooos! Leash walking, I think siberians were not meant to walk at woo side but to pull Mums down the street, after all that is what we were meant to do. Mum feels sorry for Wilbur. I know Bentley our cat, would never ever walk on a leash...
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Paws down, Kat wins both events!!! And Steve is a close second. Wilbur - well, he IS a cat.
Mom was able to treat train Dakota, she would do anything for food. Phantom has interest in being food rewarded and he still pulls. Thunder has always been pretty good. Ciara, well, haven't done much with that yet.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Loudest: Kat. (I think sisters are just naturally good at that sort of thing. ~Jack)
Best Leash-walker:
Wilbur is the winner, paws down! He successfully thwarted the biped's every effort at leash domination! And he even had the bipeds fearing for their safety! Are woo sure he's not a Sibe in a cat suit???
(Please furgive us voting fur the kat, Steve- woo also furry impressively maintained your right to do as woo please, but Wilbur using his claws was downright pawesome!)
jack a-roo & moo too
Wilbur looks pretty crabilated. We think Kat did the best, but Wilbur might bite you if he doesn't get gold. Kat & Steve both walk better than Kesey. He used to be a terrible puller, but now he is old and mostly good about it. It only took him 12 years to decide he would walk on a leash. I do not like Outside at all. I can wear a harness, but I do not like Outside at all so Mommy gave up. I think WIlbur is very brave.
OH MY DAWG. I NEVER LAUGHED SO HARD IN MY LIFE. i'm crying i'm laughing so hard!
that cat was hilarious. you guys are sooooo gonna so get in cat trouble!
I love the way Kat was pissed when steve got fed! Kat DID walk better. I love the way they attacked eachother after the walks. that's what mine do too, only they've learned to restrain it until i release them both from training and they attack eachother. I love how Kat totally bosses Steve. Poor Steve, he's just tryin' to walk but Kat's bossin him from the side and he's totally payin' attention to her not you... "she's like YOU BETTER NOT WALK RIGHT STEVE! YOU BETTER NOT BE EATING ALL MY TREATS!" and he's like "whatjya say Kat? oh ok, whatever you say! but i'm supposed to have some sort of obedience certificate, isn't it ok for me to walk well w/mom?" and kats like "DO NOT QUESTION ME BOY!" oh that is so classic! i love it.
regardless. for sibes, you walk pretty damn good on a leash! awesome! i think i have to watch this again, i can't decide. each condtender brought his/her own special talent that makes judging very difficult!
if you hear laughter from the Bay Area, you know why!
wild dingo
Wow - such a tough competition -
Kat - Best temper tantrum on the sidelines though we gave you negative points for being somewhat behaved on the leash.
Steve - Nice form in resisting the leash, but the whine was a little, well, un-manly. Serious dude. But bonus points for wrestling post walk.
Wilbur - Serious Gold Medal work. We love listening to Dad suggest Mom just reach in to unhook the leash. As manly as Steve's whines - just saying.
Wait - this is Siberian Rules Leash Walking, right? He who resists the most, wins? If so, Wilbur gets our vote by out-Sibeing the Sibes.
I..... love....... Wilbur!!!!! I .... just.... can't..... help it!!!!!
Gold medal, kit=cat!
Tail wags,
We LOVE Steve's prancing front legs and Kat's cute little tushie! Tia felt that was abuse to her sweet boyfriend Wilbur.
P.S. CM woke from her nap to hear all of the whimpering.
Wilbur deserves a reward for even tolerating a leash!
Oh this video made me laugh- thanks so much!
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