Two more prescriptions
I feel really bad. Biloxi sent in a prescription request for his mom and I didn't get it done in time. I hope that this prescription will still help. Here's what Biloxi had to say:
Hey Doc Steve,
Could woo write us a prescription fur us to give to Maw when she gits home from vacation???
Husky kisses,
Could woo write us a prescription fur us to give to Maw when she gits home from vacation???
Husky kisses,
Finally, Maebe wrote in about her sister.
Kayla has a really embarrassing problem. She's a piddler. The humans thought she would outgrow this problem, but she still does it sometimes. Like today, when it was time for her bath and wouldn't come when she was called, the humans had to corner her. That's when she piddled. The humans learned that the cornering should be done outside instead of inside, so that's why we got our baths outside today. I think this is dumb. She should've clawed them instead or something. She needs a cure for her piddling problem. What can woo prescribe?
So that's my story, Maebe
Kat will probably get mad at me for saying this, but sometimes she has this problem too. Kat usually does it when she gets really excited or when she meets a new dog. In Kayla's case, I don't think it's her problem at all, at least not from the evidence you provided. Kayla would have never piddled if your humans hadn't tried to give her a bath. So really, they are the ones with the problem, and therefore, I have written the prescription for them.
Kayla, you're A-OK in my book.

So I think that gets me caught up on all of the prescription requests that were sent in before Friday. If I've forgotten anything you requested, please let me know.
Dr. Steve
Once again, I must marvel at your knakhk fur knowing just the proper way to treat this khonditions!
Woooo! Great job there Dr. Steve, can you be my vet, I like your prescriptions a lot more than my vets.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Dr. Steve, you are doing a pawesome job, right on the mark with every diagnosis and remedy. Phantom isn't too happy because he has been hearing something about a bath or a trip to the groomer once he is all healed.
Woos, the OP Pack
So insightful. The perfect prescriptions from Dr. Steve will always solve the problems.
Princess Eva
Woo, Dr. steve, woo sure are a great diagdogsnition!
Wooos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Dr. Steve, I think these are your BEST prescriptions YET! Really!
Woo. We will all go pee on the floor if you will write us a prescription for no baths!
It seems like the humans are the ones that need all the help they can get these days.
Huffle Mawson
I hope you are included in that new health plan everyone is talking about.
I could get hooked on prescriptions like these pretty easily!
Dr. Steve,
Shellby Belle has a problem similiar to Kat and Kayla. Whenever she gets anxious or nervous she piddles. Mom and dad are well aware of this problem so Shellby Belle hardly ever gets yelled at because the piddle puddle is usually more of a problem than whatever she was gonna get yelled at about. Evidently this is a problem unique to emotionally stressed out and high strung bitches, no pun intended.
The guy dogs in The Bumpass Hounds and Kitties
Dr. Steve, woo are so much smarter than my stupid sister Maebe. Of course the humans have compulsive puppy bathing disorder, but she was not smart enough to notice.
I will make sure my humans get this prescription filled. I'm my own grrrrl and just want to follow my bliss! No baths needed here!!
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
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