Dr. Steve catch-up
Wow, once again I am really behind on prescriptions. It's my goal this weekend to get a lot of new prescriptions out there to help pups.
First up, Scampi. Kira wrote in, lovingly, about her brother:
How about something for an annoying, scared of thunderstorms, border collie who is psychotic and paranoid? I know untreatable, right?

Stella wrote in with a similar problem:
Hello Dr. Steve:
I also have kibble allergies plus I am very scared of thunderstorms. Can you help me like you did Mango?
Thank you,
I also have kibble allergies plus I am very scared of thunderstorms. Can you help me like you did Mango?
Thank you,
Well, Stella, I recommend pretty much the same stuff for you. Getting tired and then a good distraction. As you're an urban gal, perhaps a nice stroll around your neighborhood would be good instead of the dog park. Although if you get to take the bus to the dog park, that's a bonus.
Finally, Peanut had this to say:
Do you think you could fix up stupid Shelby and stop him from being a jerk?
If you don't read Peanut and Flash's blog, then you might not know that Shelby is the cat they allow to live in their house. When I became a doctor, I took an oath to always help when required. But sometimes part of being a responsible doctor is knowing the limits of your abilities. I have seen that Shelby and Wilbur correspond and I know that anycat in cahoots with Wilbur is beyond repair.
Until next time, stay healthy and eat your vitamins,
Dr. Steve
PS. Don't forget to vote for us.
Did woo hear my laugh from Pawsylvania???
SO, have woo listed YOURS on Khraig's List yet???
More grrrreat work my handsome hunk of stud!
Mom laughed so hard if she had milk it would have come out her nose. I think you are right though. There really isn't any hope for Shelby and like you guys with Wilbur I am just stuck with him.
Woo is the most wonderful doctor!!! Furry good prescriptions for the furries...even the C-A-T....
Dr Steve, I really do think it's a bit unfair to talk about Shelby like that. Shelby is a nice cat!
Huffle Mawson
How did you diagnose Shelby - with a catscan?
Seriously, we would have asked for help for Rusty, but we believe that requires a psychiatrist.
Hmmmm.... Dog park, Which I am not allowed to go to, not fair, I only agree if he has to share his ice cream in bed.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Great job, Dr. Steve, but TD hopes evfurry one knows you don't mean him when you talk about Thunder coming.
We voted from both of our addresses.
Woos, the OP Pack
Wow. That's very sad about Shelby. YOu're so wise.
PS: Please don't tell Stormy I said that!
Furry good advice, Dr. Steve. Ice-cream cures everything, doesn't it? And it is sad about Shelby, but with a birth defect like that, there just isn't much woo can do. Better luck to him in the next of those 9 lives.
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
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