Wilbur's Departure
Hello blog readers. Wilbur here. As many of you know, I do not appreciate the addition of the furry beasts into my household. They’ve been here almost two years, but before they arrived, I lived almost two years of complete bliss as an only pet. It was really wonderful. I was left alone to bite my mom and run around the house without interference. But alas, I don’t think I’m going to talk the humans into getting rid of the furry beasts so I have decided to take matters into my own paws. I’m leaving.

As you can see, I’ve packed up all of my toys into these two suitcases. I also threw in all of my canned food, my automatic feeder, my water fountain, my dry food, and my treats. I’ll have to get my litter box too, but it wouldn’t fit in the suitcase.
I’ve just called the airport shuttle, so they will be here soon to take me to the airport where I can start my journey to my new home.
Bon Voyage!
Wilbur do you think you can fly down here and pick me up too.
Wilbur, you should have scheduled the Canon express trip with Sam when he shot off!
Frankie Girrrrrrrrrrrrl
You sure have a lot of luggage for a khat
Princess Eva
Wilber... I am so sorry that you are having to leave. You are welcome at my house!
What are you thinking boy? We cats can take on a whole Army. I'm not sure about the AO4, but come on...I've seen Kat and Steve. Start swatting! And then, talk to me about fun things to do while the humans aren't looking that they will blame on the slobbering mutts.
Cats rule. Don't forget it.
Witty Kitty
P.S. You can always leave the gate open and off those dogs will go.
Mi casa es su casa! Come on over little buddy!
Woo woo, KA
Wilbur! Wilbur! Come on out here! Stormy and I will treat you right! And she'll MAKE Am and Dave treat you right. Or at least leave you alone.
OR if you're going to Huffle's - PLEASE pick me up on your way! She's my bestest kit-cal pal!!!
Play bows,
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