Saturday, July 26, 2008

How to make Wooscotti

We’ve told you about Wooscotti before. It’s a great treat that our mom makes for us sometimes. I had a talk with Mom about making some Wooscotti today and then I could share the instructions with you so your mom can make it. Luckily Mom said that we had earned some Wooscotti since we are working so hard on Blogathon.

So here’s what you have to do. I feel like Zim! He’s so good at giving cooking instructions.

First get your mixer out. Mom likes her KitchenAid mixer a lot, but if you don’t have one, you’ll just have to stir it by paw.

Once you have your mixer out, dump all of the following ingredients into the bowl.

2 cups whole-wheat flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

2 pinches ground cinnamon

1 cup peanut butter (we use creamy, but you can use your favorite)

1 cup milk

Next, turn on your mixer (or if you don’t have a mixer, get ready to get your paws dirty). Just mix until the dough is all mixed up.

At this point, you should turn on your oven and set it to 400 degrees. While your oven is heating up, get a cookie sheet out and grease it. After it’s all ready to go, dump your dough out and shape it into a long, flat log (about 1-inch thick).

Put it into the over and bake it for 20 minutes. While your Wooscotti is baking, go outside and run around. You’ll want to work up an appetite so you can eat lots of Wooscotti.

We’ll finish up this recipe after the baking is done.



Peanut said...

I wonder if I can get the lazy woman who is my mother to make me some of that?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...




Kapp pack said...

Wow! That looks really yummy!

Woo woo, KA

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Yummy, but Momma will probably never make it for me. She's best at take-out.

Simcha said...

Oh super yum. We are copying you recipe.


Frankie Girl, Maddie and Domino said...


You are a fabulous cooking instructor Diva. And you look bewootiful in your lovely kitchen arena.


Frankie Girrrrrrrrrrrrl

Anonymous said...

YUMMMM I missed this because mom had to run to the store for bags. Sheesh!

The Army of Four said...

Oh, wow. I can picture having Wooscotti and a cup of cappuccino!
GREAT job; I've got to help mom make some of these!
Play bows,

Duke said...

We read that Cammie and Maggie's mom made this for them and we came over to snag the recipe and hope that our mom will make this for us to. yummmmmmmmmm

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly