Why oh why?
Wednesday night was horrible for me. First Dad bribed me into staying outside with him while Mom and Kat were inside. Then when I was allowed to go back inside, Kat and Mom were nowhere to be found! I was sure that the boogie man had gotten them, but I couldn't get Dad to care at all. I ran back and forth between the front window and the backyard, but I couldn't pick up the trail. Then I sat down in the back yard and howled, just in case the Siberian Network knew where Mom and Kat had been taken. It was a horrible two hours. I thought I might die. No amount of crying and pouting on my part inspired Dad to go look for them.
Finally Mom and Kat returned and guess what I got? My very own ice cream cone. Not a doggie cone either, a full-size human ice cream. Mom felt so bad for me that I had been left home alone. Apparently Mom and Kat were not kidnapped after all!
Oh Poor Steve! You must have been so worried! I would have been too. So we watched the video - and I guess... Do we know who the Alpha Dog is here?? Dad had your very own ice cream cone and you were loyal to MOM! Wow, Mom must rule!! -Rocky
I heard THAT name SOOOOO many times!!
PeeEssWoo: Would you get that upset if a certain other member of the household disappeared?
Your dad saying steve steve steve sounds like my mom saying Peanut, Peanut, Peanut that is Flash's. They just don't get it do they.
mmmmmmmmmmm... ice cream.......
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
What flavor was the ice cream??!?
Pooooor Steve! How could they do that to you? At lest woo got a big ole' ice cream cone out of it.
Wooos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Clearly Steve knew that Kat's icecream was better. I hope you aren't abandoned like that again Steve.
Hey I haven't seen Wilbur for a while, is he okay?
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Steve, did woo think Kat's cone was better than yours? We are glad that Mom and Kat didn't abandon woo. But be careful when Dad takes just woo for a walk, they might be gone again when woo return, just a little tidbit we saw on the 'puter.
Woos, the OP Pack
That is a very sad story! But with a sweet ending.
Wow. That must have been SCARY. We can tell how traumatized you were in the video, since you weren't willing to leave Kat's side. Good plan: we'd do the same.
We are so sorry you got left home but your ice cream looked really really good. You need to tell Mom and Dad that you must always go with Kat and Mom.
Thor gets to go to conformation class with Marco Polo but he has to stay in the car but at least he gets to go for the ride!!
Thor and Marco Polo
Well, at least you got ice cream! Next time, pee on something. That ill teach them to take Kat and not you too!
Glad they made it home safe!
I'd say "poor you!" but I think you were compensated pretty well. Can you find out the next time they're going to be missing in action so I can come over and get some ice cream too?
Have you heard the saying?
"When the going gets tough, the tough get ice cream!"
Your own ICE CREAM CONE!?!? That is so cool! I like how you wanted Kat's. Ha woooo!
Hmmmm - Ice cream sounds great, but The Herd spotted ice cream on a rug - what a great opportunity to make a truly Siberian mess!
Rockin' ice cream!
Your concern for your family is very touching.
Poor Steve! At least you got an icecream cone!
TTFN, Meadow
Hey Y'all,
Steve, the Dad needs to take YOU out for some masculine bonding on these girls nights out. Guys need special time too. It's great that Kat and Mom are doing their thing but Steve needs his thing; and what about poor, neglected, WILBUR?
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