We're a bit behind on blogging. Two weekends ago, while our Texas grandma and grandpa were here, we went to Leavenworth. We've never been to Leavenworth before, so we thought it would be fun. Mom and Dad made us wear our harnesses and locked us into the back of the 4Runner. At that point, we thought we might be going to Leavenworth the prison since we were practically pawcuffed!
Once we arrived, we realized we were in Leavenworth the Bavarian town! The parents made us wear our backpacks around. We were very good every time we had to wait outside a shop so the humans could shop.

However, Mom and Dad got very mad at us every time we started to walk because we were pulling like crazy. Just when Mom would get Kat under control, the horse-drawn carriage would go by and Kat would go nutso over the horse. Finally, Mom was so frustrated, she handed us over to Dad and Dad said he could just carry us around by our backpack handles.
(He didn't really do that.)
We tried to take a good family picture, but it was very sunny. Also Mom decided to make a stupid face. I mean look at me, I'm looking so cute at the camera and Mom is looking so dumb. It really bothers me when she can't behave for photos.
Just because Mom was being stupid, Kat and I decided not to look for the other picture.
So that was Leavenworth. It was pretty fun. Mom and Dad said maybe we can go back another time this winter and snowshoe. I think that sounds very fun, especially the part about the snow!!
PS. In response to Mom's anger about the leash pulling, we had a private training session today. The training session just focused on walking on our leashes. We both did pretty good, in my opinion, but Kat was a big suck-up and did better than me.
Steve -
Rule #1 -
Girls are always khorrekht -
Rule #2 -
See Rule #1 -
Nice photo shoot - SZK will be so proud!
WOO Steve, WOO have a 4-Runner too! We have a purple one. Looks like WOO had a nice trip. HuMom went to Leavenworth once when she was a little human.
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
why does your dad have pants on? if it is warm enough for flip flops it is warm enough for shorts. Get with it man.
that's cool that you got to visit Leavenworth. our mom has gone there, but never took us with her.
we like those back packs on you. they look pretty, but did you have to carry stuff in them, like common pack animals?
leash pulling is not cool our mom says. don't you have gentle leaders? that will cure you for sure.
We'd love to go somewhere like that. We live in prison, your parents are MUCH nicer.
Woo had us a bit worried for a minute. we thought woo had been arrested!
Leavenworth looks very pretty, the kind of place humom would love to go to, too. But she probably wouldn't take us if she was shopping. (Your pawrents are nicer than ours.) Outstanding photos, even if your mom did ruin one.
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Woo pups you get to have lots of fun! At least you didn't go to prison!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
You look so stylish in your backpacks. Bet no one asks you if you're a wolf while sporting one of those things on your back!
(who gets tired of saying no I am not part wolf)
Great job with that last picture. Ha roo roo roo!
Leavenworth looks totally cool. Did people adore you wherever you went? If you HAD gone to the prison Leavenworth, we would have brought you a cake with a saw in it. It's just a couple hours from here. OK... maybe just the saw would have made it. Ha rooo!
Tail wags,
Leavenworth is like the Alps in the Cascades. Dad says it's really nice when the trees aspens are turning gold and shivering in the wind, before the passes get full of snow. They have hot apple cider in a lot of the shops. He says that's a good time to heve your mom and dad take you on "the cascade loop"
It looks like you guys did OK with the backpacks; that's just to tire you out ya know.
that's the idea! be good at training, get to go places, then pull like crazy! hee hee hee
Woo looks like you had a fun time. Did your Maw and Paw make you carry their shopping stuff in y'all backpacks?
We have backpacks too.
Nice family pics to treasure.
Husky kisses,
Biloxi and Siber-Sibs
WOO WOO Steve and Kat
What can we say - Marco Polo had to wear the BackPack today and Mom was saying he wasn't pulling? But he couldn't jump up on benches so she just grabbed him by the handles and up he went! Horses!!! We love horses, I would pull and pull too! Maybe your Mom needs to do weight training to get stronger? Oh, never mind, Mom says we are weight training for her?
Glad you had a great time in Leavenworth!
Thor and Marco Polo
What a great day you'all had! There she is a lot of fun things for parents and their pups where you love. We loved the photos!
Oh, your cookies are on the way. You should get them very very soon.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Did they at least stuff your backpacks with some good treats? Woo are so lucky to get to go to those fun places, but Thunder wishes woo had gone to the Leavenworth closer to us.
Woos, the OP Pack
I do great on the leash, at least I do until I see a cat, dog, squirrel, person, frog, leaf, um, yeah, I guess I just don't do well on the leash.
Hi fellow pupsters, we are new to your blog!
You two are very gorgeous & handsome! We really enjoyed visiting your blog.
We don't have a blog of our own, mommy has one and she blogs about us all the time.
Samantha & June
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