I'm a muffin
In honor of Meeshka's Week 'o 100 Blogs, we are posting our sexiest pictures. Dogs (and cats) across the world are participating.
Here's Wilbur's entry:
Here are my two entries.
As you can see in this next picture, I've been at this a long time.

I went through every single picture Mom has and couldn't find a single picture of Kat sleeping upside down. She just doesn't really do it much. So I'm posting this picture from back when we were puppies. You can see I was trying to teach her what to do.
WELL, once I did the horka over the furst pikh, the others made up for IT -
Woo are such a khute muffin!
Bring K(h)at over - I'll show how to be a huzzy!!
Don't worry Kat, I didn't do a huzzy pose either, I just posed in the nude. Wilbur: woohoo!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
I think Khyra has the huzzy thing covered and posted enough pictures for everypup. Meanwhile Kat and I are just too dignified to strike that pose.
Princess Eva
C'mon, efurry puppy, woo must know that Kat is saving herself fur her one and only - ME, Thunder!!!
Steve, woo make a great muffin stud or is that stud muffin??? Wilbur, well, what can I say, woo ARE a cat!
WooHOO, Thunder of the OP Pack
Woo so handsome.
Wooooo woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Awwwwww, that last pic of the two of woo is just absolutely freakin' adorable!!!
Wilbur is pretty cute too, for a cat.
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack
Nice pose , I usually do that when I am sleeping too xD
Take cares !
Do come by our blog often yeah !
Lady , Zena , Cody
Those bellies are just asking for a big ole rubbin'!
Me thinks you should change your blogname to the "Washington Ho's" *insert cheezy porn music* But it's all for a great cause.
Those are some very sexy bellies. And that baby picture is about as cute as it gets.
Pretty racy pics of all of you.
What great pictures - You guys were so adorable as little pupper! Of course, you are just as beautiful now too! and of course, Wilbur is very cute too! Just like our little kitty-kats here!
Thor and Marco Polo
Ooooh that picture of you two as puppies are so so so cute! Kat don't know what she's missing, sleeping upside down is the best.
Wilbur, you look SO studly!
And I love the puppy picture of you and Kat, Steve!
Play bows,
MEOW!!! Look at MY WILBER!!!!
P.S. Steve and Kat, meow two look great too.
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