Friday night on the town
On Friday, we got a special package from the Army of Four! They sent us some new leashes. A while back they tried out the leashes, but didn't like them, so when Mom mentioned that she was going to buy us the same leashes, their mom offered to send us theirs. We were so excited to get actually used-by-the-Army-of-Four-merchandise! (Their mom also sent Mom a tote bag. It's super cute.)
Here I am modeling my new leash. It used to be Stormy's so you can see that in this picture I'm trying to look like I'm in charge.
Kat's leash used to belong to Zim, so she is trying to look really cool in this picture.
Here's a sorta blurry picture of Dad and Kat.
After we finished eating, Mom and Dad were just going to load us in the car to go home, but we had other ideas. So we led them down the sidewalk to a special place.
Here we are outside a photography studio. The studio just had a cutest dog contest and one of our blogging friends won! Benson is the top dog in this picture, so we decided to pose with his winning picture. (There's also a cute husky who was a finalist too.)
Well, that was our exciting Friday night on the Town Center. We were very well behaved while Mom and Dad ate, so I hope we can make it a Friday night tradition as long as the weather is nice! (I like getting bully sticks!)
Since it was Friday night, Mom and Dad decided to go eat at one of their favorite spots at the Town Center, Firestation Deli. There are outside tables at the deli, so we got to go too and show off our new leashes. Before we headed to the deli, we parked near Paddywack and Mom picked up some bully sticks for us so we would have something to eat while Dad and Mom ate their supper.
Next we went to the deli. Mom got a sandwich and Dad got some clam chowder. That doesn't matter. What matters is here's me eating my bully stick.
WOO guys look sooooo cool in your new leashes! Did they let you lick the bowls?
Wooooo woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Wow Kat, you look nearly as cool as Zimmie in that leash. And Steve does look very "in charge" (at least while Wilbur's not around - I've see the photos). What a top outing for all.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Holy Mother of Mickey Mouse! Those are furry furry beautiful leashes!
I am packing my doggy backpack and heading to your house if my AC is not fixed tomorrow. Maybe we can go to Town Center too. That looks like fun!
Those are nice leashes. What a nice place to visit and to get bully sticks also makes it all the better
I like Steve's frog imitation!
Khousin Merdie does that a lot!!
Woo do look fabWOOlous with your new leashes!!!
Good job being good in public. You look ever so cool in your new leashes and they were a great bargain.
hey kiddos, you did have a fun filled Friday night. and looky at famous Benson's picture! isn't that cool! they are going to do a different and better one eventually, but there's no hurries in photo-land.
we love those new leashes. they're really pretty and colorful. it totally makes them even more cool because they have your friends' scents on them.
That looks like a fun Friday night. Ours consisted of mom and dad spending all night on the computer car boring!
Kisses, Sky boy
WOO WOO Steve and Kat
BULLY STICKs! WOW - what a treat! We love them, Mom needs to go and find some for us because we don't have any. Beautiful picture of you guys too! We definitely think you need to make this a Friday Night Tradition.
Thor and Marco Polo
Those leashes look GREAT on you two! How cool that you got to go have dinner out and show them off!
Tail wags,
I'm back!
Those new leashes rock! You all are SO amazing, I just love seeing pics all the time. I needs a big dog sibling just like one of yous!
Going out to eat with your family! Now THAT is neat.
That bully stick looks so good and your new leashes are fantastic!
Cool new leashes! Star really likes Kat's fancy purple leash, very chic! That pic of woo, Steve, eating your bully stick while doing frog legs is precious! Woo should enter it into the next photo contest.
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
WOW! You two were stylin' and profilin' with those AO4 leashes. That was so sweet of them to send them to you two. And WOW! What a fun evening you both had. I am so jealous and wish we oculd have been with you two.
H-Mom loves fancy collars and leashes. Now that Booker gets to come to the gallery on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, he always has to be in an arty, trendy, cool ensemble. She is always on eBay looking for custom stuff ...
Hey Steve and Kat,
We are so sorry to be behind on our commenting. But it sure looks like woo two had a great time on the town. Hope woo get to go again soon.
Woo, the OP Pack
the leads look like they are just yer guys colors Harrrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
You gots sum nice spiffy leashes there, Steve & Kat - looking good!!!!
-Cosmos & Juneau-
Heya Guys,
Our Dad is always going on about Washington State. He used to fly A-6E Intruders out of NAS Whidbey Island in Oak Harbor, WA. He liked the clam chowder from some place called Ivar's. Dad's always telling us to "keep clam" and "clam down." He has a Seattle Seahawks cover over the big barbarque grill out on the deck and we have to get the Direct TV NFL package so he can watch their games on TV in VA. The new Redskins coach is some guy named Jim Zorn that played for the Seahawks a long, long, long ,long time ago when they had a brand new stadium called the Kingdome. Our Dad is really, really old.
Heya Woos,
here's a picture you might like to put on the wall:
New leashes are always fun. Hm. I still have my gold visa BFF card, maybe I'll take that shoppin' this weekend! Hehe. :]
Woo there~
Great look with the new human draggers. I hope you get the opportunity to drag them around a lot.
Your pal,
Wow--you two look fantastic in your new swag. But what did Wilbur get out of the deal?
How nice to take your hoomans going out on a Friday night with new cool leashes.
I bet it was filled with fun.
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Please visit them to support their mom and to cheer them up. Thanks.
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