Digging for Poop
For Mom's birthday, she bought herself a Doggie Dooley. It's really amusing the lengths humans will go just for some poop disposal. Apparently Costco had a good deal on these Dooley gadgets, so Mom ordered one.
Of course, Mom's online shopping means work for Dad, Kat and me. First, Dad had to read the instructions on what to do.
Kat helped Dad with the digging. She stopped helping to pose for this picture, but I promise, she got her paws dirty!

I was really worried the dirt from the hole Dad dug would blow away, so I decided my job would be to anchor the dirt. You can see me working hard to keep the dirt in one place.
Once the hole was a couple feet deep, Kat didn't want to help with the digging anymore, but she often came to supervise.
The Dooley is in the ground now and Mom's been faithfully depositing more of our poop in it everyday. It's like she thinks it will turn to gold or something. You know, that would be a super great invention. A poop-to-gold converter. I'm going to have to figure out how to make that happen so I can buy more treats. What a perfect cycle. Buy treats. Make poop. Turn poop into gold. Buy more treats. Make more poop. More poop turned into gold. Pups, this is genius. I'll let you know when my prototype is finished.
If wooo need more deposits fur you DD akhkhount, please let me know!
Good work AGAIN on supervising your dad -
Your dad wouldn't be able to work without your two. You can tell by looking at him. The poop to gold thing is pure genius.
It was very generous of Mom to buy that gadget for you. What a great incentive to make more poo!
Pee S: Happy Birthday to Mom!
That is such a cool gizmo. At our place Thunder Dunder digs the holes and Mom fills them with poop. She still hasn't learned that the yard is big enough for TD to keep digging new holes:))
Woo, the OP Pack
Mom wants an update on how this thing works out for woo - she might want to get one too.
that's a cool invention. Kat was pretty smart to think of that and she was the best helper.
happy pooping!
Steve, you have the most amazing work ethic! You wear me out just looking at you!
PS: Let me know if you need any extra poop! We could send you some!
You need more cookies so you can make more poop to fill that thing up. Good thing you two were there to supervise your dad. They usually need supervising.
Happy Birthday to your mom!
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Why are our humans so obsessed with our poo?
If you need an extra one, I think ours is somewhere in the garage and still in the box.
Princess Eva
I wonder if the poop-to-gold thing will work for cats too? Wilbur and I could be rich!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Hey Wilbur, how's your gimpy leg? Is it all better now?
Huffle Mawson
WOO WOO _ We can't believe it - Mom started up - Yes - that's we what we need, I'm going to go to Costco and get us one too!
You are so good to help your Dad work -He probably couldn't get it finished without your supervising.
Thor and Marco Polo
Let us know how that thing works out for woo!
Kisses, Sky boy
How cool! Just one question, though. How do you get the, um, "deposits" from their deposited location to the dooley? Or can we train you brilliant dogs to use it like an outhouse?
You'll have to let my HuMom know how well it works! She's been considering one for at least two years now.
Woo two are so helpful, what would your pawrents do without woo? Let us know how the "poop to gold" scheme works out, it's an intriguing idea!
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
I am all for turning poop into gold! So, how much do you think you will get for the golden poop?
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