Introducing Ulee
I'd like to introduce you all to Ulee. She's a Siberian Husky from Adopt a Husky of Dallas. She's going to be sleeping over at our house until she finds a fur-ever home. We were supposed to get a husky named Milo to sleepover, but it was decided that Ulee might be a better fit for us. She's pretty cute and we are teaching her how to play and have fun. We still have to make sure Ulee and Wilbur get along okay and so far we don't know that. We've kind of not let them have any contact.
We got to greet her in the front yard. She was nice enough to roll over and let us smell her and then I rolled over and let her smell me.Then we showed her the backyard. Steve showed her where we keep the outside water.
Then we showed her how we like to run around outside.
After we spent some time getting to know each other outside, we showed her the inside of the house. What's great about Ulee is she likes to be outside and so do I. Steve, on the other hand, doesn't, so Ulee and I have formed a "Girls Only, NO BOYS ALLOWED, Club". It's for girls who like to play outside. Boys who don't like to be outside have to stay inside. I like it because now I don't have to play outside by myself when Silly Steve won't come outside.
Mom has already Furminated Ulee. I tried to inform Mom that Furminating is not how we treat guests at the Steve and Kat Hotel for Rescued Huskies. Mom said that Ulee just likes attention and she doesn't care if her attention is Furminating. Mom then added that I could learn something from Ulee in that respect. I informed Mom that she can dream on if she thinks that I will sit and be good for Furmination. I will say that Ulee had a lot of fur to Furminate though.
Anyway, I have to get back to my duties of showing Ulee the ropes. We've got to get her in fine husky shape so she can find a fur-ever home soon!!
Congrats Steve and Kat on your fist foster!!! I know you will show cute Ulee all the ways to be good Sibe! And maybe she will be a "foster failure" and your mom will let her stick around so you can always have her to play with! hehehe!
P.S. We got our goodies!!! Thank WOOO so much! I will try to get the photo's posted this weekend! The cookies are awesome!!!
You'all are so wonderful for doing this. I hope Wilber is okay with this.
It's good of you two to show her all about being part of a family. I'm sure she needs the attention.
I don't know about the furminator thing. Missy likes it too. So I guess it can't be all that bad.
Husky Hugs. MayaMarie
Good for you guys for sharing your home and family. Hopefully Wilbur will be OK.
We were wondering the same thing as Holly. Are your people going to be "foster failures"? Our Momma and Dad talked about it a long time ago and knew that they would fail. They have a weakness for puppies.
We received your lovely note. We posted pictures on our blog and the magnet is on the fridge.
p.s. Ulee is beautiful
(if you have like 15 posts from me it's because Blogger stinks)
Wooohooo! I'm sure you two will be great examples of proper Husky behavior, huh? Maybe you can teach her to redecorate.
PS She's pretty.
Reds rule! ::big husky smile::
We are still trying to catch up with Blogathon stuff. We will get back to woo!
Ulee is very pretty. Good of you to help her out. Our mom is pretty close to failing with Misty. That girl keeps kissing & kissing like there is no tomorrow. Hard to resist that.
Oh Ulee is pretty and it is nice you now have someone to go outside with Kat.
Welcome Ulee! You're bewootiful! I wonder if your foster family will flunk and keep you. Mine flunked transport with Shyla which is how she came to be.
woo-woo-welcome Ulee! I had a foster brother for a while, he was great fun! he stayed with us for about 6 weeks then moved to a new foster home (the same one Brother Brock came from!) and is still waiting for his fur-ever home. Way to go for helping her on her way!
p.s.- Hey Kat, Im the owner of the water bowl around here too. Actually I pretty much own everything I see, its the way of the land.
p.p.s.- we got the magnet the other day- thank you! mamma wanted me to tell you too that she paid her pledge straight to the rescue group fyi.
Hehehehe.....Mom said this could be the start of a "foster flunkee". Canyon didn't even make it to foster status....he was a transport flunkee....
Ulee is beautiful!
-Kelsey Ann
That is FANTASTIC that you are fostering a husky. Ulee is very pretty. Do you have any idea what her name means?
Good luck and I hope she finds a forever home. :)
Wow you have a foster sister! That is cool! And Steve is quite the drinker!
Woo Welcome Ulee! Maybe the two furry beasts (as Wilber calls them) will let you post every now and again, ha roooo!
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