Final Winners!
We've reached the end of our summer road trip and it's time to announce the final winners. Yesterday's secret location was Charlottesville, Virginia and the first correct guess came from Team Husky! Way to go!

We've reached the end of our summer road trip and it's time to announce the final winners. Yesterday's secret location was Charlottesville, Virginia and the first correct guess came from Team Husky! Way to go!
Posted by
Steve, Kat, & Wilbur
2:51 PM
Labels: grandparents, Kat, Mom, moving, Steve, Summer Road Trip
It's the final day of our contest! Monday we were at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri and the first correct guess came from the OP Pack! Congrats pups! The arch was pretty nice, but it was hotter than two Siberians could stand there. Mom wanted a picture of us sitting nicely at the base of the Arch and this is what she got. We were too hot to sit.
Let's check the map!
We are going to change the grand prize contest a bit since we have only received a couple guesses for our final destination grand prize and those guesses weren't even close. We have decided to give away two more $10 prizes instead of one $20 grand prize. Anyone who has left a comment on any of our road trip posts and hasn't won a prize yet will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Happy Hearts gift certificate and we will pick two winners from the drawing. We will email out the gift certificates to all winners next week (in case you have won and wondered what happened to your prize).
So now for our final secret location picture. We are on the grounds of the only university in the United States to be a designated World Heritage Site. What city are we in?
Note: Don't let the letters on the steps behind us throw you off. If they mean anything, we don't know what that might be, so it's not critical to figuring out the clue.
Thanks everyone for your patience with the delay of this last post. We had been using Dad's iPad for all of our travel blogging and on Tuesday morning, the iPad decided to forget that it has a sim card and it will no longer connect to the internet via 3G. We finally got Mom to go to a Starbucks so she could post this using their WiFi.
We will give everyone until 6PM Pacific Time tomorrow night to guess today's secret location. We will post the winner of today's secret location as well as the two winners from the drawing on Saturday. We will also let you know why we were tortured with a 3000+ mile road trip!
Posted by
Steve, Kat, & Wilbur
6:00 PM
Labels: Kat, Steve, Summer Road Trip
Due to some technical difficulties with the camera, the iPad, and just general blogging from the road things, our post for today will be delayed, probably until tomorrow. Stay tuned!
It's the second to last day of our road trip! Yesterday we were at Stockton Lake, Missouri and Mango was our winner! Congratulations!
Once again, let's check the map.
For today's clue, we think you can get it from the picture alone. What city are we in?
The answer and tomorrow's clue (the last!) will be posted at 6PM Pacific time.
Posted by
Steve, Kat, & Wilbur
6:00 PM
Labels: Kat, Steve, Summer Road Trip
It's day 8 of 10 of our summer road trip! Yesterday's winner was Lorenza, who was the first pup (who hadn't already won a prize) to guess that we were in Fort Scott, Kansas! Here is another picture Mom took of us while we were there.
Let's check the map. We're getting quite a few pins in southwest Missouri and southeast Kansas.
For today, our secret location might be kind of hard to guess, but we did have a lot of fun while we were there. According to the website of this destination, it is ranked in the top 10 sailing lakes in the United States and boasts 25,000 acres of clean, clear water. Where are we?
Answer and the next clue will be posted at 6PM Pacific time tomorrow.
We're getting close to done with our summer road trip. Just three more days after this post! The winner for yesterday is Kira and Scampi for correctly guessing that we were in Overland Park, Kansas at Thunder, Phantom, and Ciara's house. It was so fun to meet some of our friends in person and Kat and Thunder definitely made a love connection!
Let's check our map again!
Our picture for today isn't very good because it was getting dark, but hopefully you will get the idea. We are at a fort, established in 1842 and was active until 1853 and then again during the American Civil War. What city are we in?
As you know by now, the answer and the next clue will be posted tomorrow at 6PM Pacific Time.
We're halfway done with our summer road trip contest now that it is Day 6! Yesterday's winner was Turbo, who correctly guessed that we were in Lamar, Missouri, at Harry S. Truman's birthplace. The "S" in his name isn't actually an initial of a longer middle name, it's just an "S"!
Here is our map.
For today's secret location, we will accept either the city and state of our location or the name of who's house we are visiting. Hopefully this will be a pretty easy one.
Good luck! Answers and Day 7's clue will be posted tomorrow at 6PM Pacific Time.
It's Day 5! I guess our clue for yesterday was a bit too difficult because no one got the right answer. We were at Prairie State Park, just outside of Liberal, Missouri. Since no one got the right answer, we used a random number generator and it picked #8, which means that Wild Dingo, who left the 8th comment wins for today!
So now that you know where we were, let's check our map.
For today's secret location, we are going to give another clue along with the picture:
We are at the birthplace of a US President, who had a middle initial, but no middle name. What city are we in?
Leave your guess in the comments and we will reveal the answer and the next clue tomorrow at 6PM Pacific time!
Here we are, Day 4 of our Summer Road Trip contest. Our winner for yesterday was Huffle Mawson, for being the first to correctly guess that we were in Mitchell, South Dakota. The building behind us in one of the pictures is the World's Largest Corn Palace. It had some really neat murals made only out of corn. Who knew corn was so artistic! We were sitting on the bench in another picture with a guy who had a sign next to him that said "Do Not Touch". Luckily it didn't say "Do Not Lick" because Kat got a couple licks in before Mom caught her. The person in the pictures with us is our Aunt Kari. She is super stylish and cute, so we had to up our game so we were still cuter than her. :-)
Now that we have revealed our location for yesterday, let's check the map! Does anyone have a guess as to our final destination yet?
For today's secret location, we are going to give out a couple pictures and supplement the pictures with this clue:
In this picture, we are standing in the largest remaining tallgrass prairie in a certain state, where less than 1 percent of the original prairie remains.
We're not in this picture, probably for obvious reasons.
Good luck! The answer and the next clue will be posted tomorrow at 6PM Pacific Time.
It's day 3 and we have our winner from yesterday - Kayla and Maebe! Way to go! Now we have had two days of winners, who will be next?
The secret location from yesterday was, of course, Mount Rushmore. Unfortunately pets are not allowed very close to the viewing area so our picture wasn't very good. Now that you know where we were yesterday, let's check the map.
Our secret location for today is more obscure, so we are going to give you three photo clues.
As always, good luck and we will post the winner and the next secret location tomorrow at 6PM Pacific time.
Wow! We had lots of great guesses for yesterdays contest. Lots of guesses of Idaho, which were all right. However we are going to have to award the prize to The Bumpass Hounds, who were the first to guess that we were specifically in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. Great job to all the guessers!
Here is our road trip map so far. We will update this every day.
Today's secret location is probably going to be a bit more obvious, so we will only give one picture today.
Good luck! We will post the answer and the next clue at 6:00 PM Pacific Time tomorrow.
Note: this post is late due to bad 3G coverage for the iPad. :-)
We have been working hard on a new trick. We are learning how to crawl. Apparently human puppies learn to crawl before they learn to walk, but Steve and I did it backwards and decided not to crawl until now, when we are three years old. Mom took a page out of Wild Dingo's blog and used a tripod to video our demonstration.
So what did you think? I think I'm way better at it than Steve, but I'm smaller and more agile than him.
As you saw in my Wordless Wednesday post, I was given the big job of licking the ice cream container clean. It's really a hard job, but somepup had to do it, so I stepped up to the plate. After licking out ice cream containers, sometimes a pup feels a little hungover.
Kat says the best medicine for an ice cream hangover is a nice, long walk, so we suited up for one. I think maybe Kat thought that I wouldn't make it so she really twisted us up so I had to keep pace with her.
I guess that's what's nice about having a sister. Sure, they boss you around a lot, but they are always there to help you get through a walk.
Also, don't forget! One week until the start of our Summer Road Trip contest.