Trick or Treat!
Happy Halloween!!

We walked all over the Town Center, collecting treats. Luckily we let Mom and Dad carry our treat bags so we could keep an eye on all the other dogs to see if anypup had the same costume (they didn't).

We even got to go into some stores we've never been in before, like a real estate business and a children's clothing store. For some reason, Mom made us stay outside with Dad at the pottery place and at the place with all the glass shelves.
The very last clue led us to a stop where there was coffee, cider, and donuts for the humans and a lady with a silver tray full of treats for Steve and me. Steve got so excited every time the lady with the silver tray came near him. She had hot dogs with cheese!
We were pretty tired.

Right before we left, I cuddled up to Mom.

And Steve gave Dad a happy smile.

Then we ran all the way back to the car because it started raining. We got done trick or treating just in time!
I hope you all have as good of a Halloween as we have!