Dr. Steve's latest

Big Sloppy KissesGus, Louie and Callie

Our new fence is complete now, so we can play off leash in the yard. As you can see in this picture, we took full advantage of it.
Check out Kat's moves here. She's on one leg!
Here's a picture showing more of our fence.
Mom and Dad are going to put some watersealant on the fence this weekend. It's always wet here in Seattle, so they want to protect the fence investment. Then they have to put down some mulch and our yard project will finally be done!
Dad does something that annoys Mom. When he has clothes that he's worn, but aren't dirty enough to be washed, instead of putting them away, he piles them on top of the chest-of-drawers. It drives Mom crazy. I have found that I can get pretty comfy on top of his clothes.
I hope he doesn't mind a little fur.
Over the weekend before the grass went in, Dad found me outside looking like this.
At first, he started to get mad because he thought I had been digging. Then he noticed my paws were all clean.
I had just been pushing my nose throught the dirt. The landscapers brought in some new dirt for Mom to plant flowers in and it wasn't packed down, so I thought maybe I could do some work of my own! I gave Dad an annoyed look to show that I wasn't happy about being wrongly accused.
We've shown you over the past few months how ugly and brown our yard was. That's right, WAS! We now have grass! It's very exciting and Kat and I were happy to check it out last week.
Back in June, we went to a real photographer to get our pictures taken. We've shared these pictures with several people already, but in case you haven't seen them, here's the slideshow. (Photographs by Alyssa Rose Photography.)
Kat and I have learned a new trick. It's a variation of shake and high 5. Mom calls it "Gimme 10". We were nice enough to perform the trick for the camera the other day, but I think the first part of the video will show that I am a Siberian through-and-through and have some trick of my own up my paw.